Our Products
Welcome to concrete without the consequences. Our products are stronger than traditional concrete. They can be cheaper, too. Helping you build a competitive edge while making a positive environmental impact.
Tiles, pavers, masonry products, pour-in-place solutions and ready mix. Our technology unlocks the full spectrum of concrete products. And we’re supplying them to customers today.
Our Technology
The problem
The concrete industry has been burning rocks for 200 years to produce clinker. It’s time for the industry to evolve. Partanna is the solution.

Our Process
Partanna utilizes a patented process to generate its nature-healing binder.
We blend together recycled ingredients at ambient room temperature and use the power of chemistry to avoid and remove CO₂ naturally from the atmosphere.
Partanna’s raw materials can include brine and slag – two materials which can harm our natural environment when released as byproducts from the desalination and steel industries.
We upcycle these materials for good, and blend the two together at ambient room temperature.
As these materials mix together, they generate new compounds that remove CO₂ from the atmosphere – like a tree.
As CO₂ gets absorbed into our mixture, it assists in forming a groundbreaking binding agent, replicating the functionality of traditional cement but with a green footprint.
Once the CO₂ is absorbed into our mix, it chemically changes – so it can no longer be released back into the atmosphere. At the end of our building materials’ lifecyle, they can be crushed up and reused as aggregate – further enabling the circular economy.
There is no hidden or complicated, energy-intensive process. The beauty of Partanna’s process is its simplicity.
How it works: Partanna’s carbon-negative concrete
A Unique Binder
We hydrate our mix with brine. Brine, a waste product across the world, is a key component of our blended natural and recycled dry mix.

A: Aggregates & Water (we do not require filtered water to hydrate mix)
B: Natural & Recycled Materials
C: Brine
Room Temperature Curing
Our technology cures the mix at ambient temperatures.
CO₂ Integration
As CO₂ gets absorbed into our mixture, it assists in forming a groundbreaking binding agent, replicating the functionality of traditional cement but with a green footprint that absorbs a significant amount of CO₂.

CO₂ is absorbed into Partanna mix, removed directly from the atmosphere. We are not carbon sequestration - we simply breathe CO₂ naturally like a tree.
The Result
A sustainable, carbon-negative concrete that’s both eco-friendly and high-performing.

Below you can find more information about our technology, our products and their availability worldwide.

1,250 Sq Ft — Standard Cement Home
70 Tonnes of Bad
70.2 tonnes of CO2 is emitted per 1,250 Sq Ft home
0 carbon credits generated

1,250 Sq Ft — Partanna Home
182.6 Tonnes of Good
182.6 tonnes of CO2 is removed and or abated per 1,250 Sq Ft home
128.4 Removal credits and 54.2 Avoidance credits)

3rd Party Testing & Certification
Partanna is certified and just as durable, affordable and versatile as traditional cement-based concrete.
Our materials have undergone rigorous third-party testing and evaluation, affirming their quality and performance meet U.S. and international building codes.
International product testing and certification firm Intertek has confirmed that our materials meet the essential ASTM standards applicable to concrete products.
American Engineering Testing (AET) and Beton Consulting Engineers have conducted independent testing to validate the physical and engineering properties of our materials.
Partanna conforms to international building codes and meets ACI 318 requirements for ASTM C1157 type GU cement, meeting international standards for design and construction of structural concrete.
Verra Credited
Partanna has successfully been approved, ACI Certified, and included within the building codes in The Bahamas for structural use, ensuring compliance with local regulations.
Verra, the world’s largest greenhouse gas crediting program, approved Partanna in late 2022 to be listed on its VCS carbon credit registry. Partanna is the first verified carbon-absorbing building material to generate tradable carbon credits.

Partanna Patents
Partanna is the owner of registered U.S. Patents for curable formulations for structural and non-structural uses, including U.S. Patent Nos. 10,759,697, 11,008,252 and 11,655,187.
Partanna is also the owner of pending U.S. and foreign equivalent applications related to its carbon negative formulations that absorb CO2 from the atmosphere during its curing process.
Pricing & Procurement
Partanna building materials are cost-competitive with traditional cement-based materials. Our core materials are abundantly available and can be locally sourced in most large countries.

Discover ways to work with us

Carbon Credits
Partanna consistently generates top-performing, carbon removal credits in a fast-growing global market.
Our technology-based Avoidance and Removal credits have several advantages over other types of carbon credits, making them the most valuable in today’s market.
By commercializing our credits, we’re providing a commercially viable alternative to cement-based concrete through value innovation.
Primary Product Uses
Learn how Partanna's technology is supporting various industries to decarbonize: